The Little Birthday Book


Birthday book with a quotation from Nick Cave for each day of the year, along with space in which to note the birthdays of loved ones.

`I based this handsome little pocket book on the popular Victorian birthday books which contained brief biblical quotations, alongside which the owner recorded the birthdays of loved ones. With the help of that logomaniacal Brazilian, Dr Rodrigo Perez Perei-ra aka the.nickcave.typewriter, we have compiled 366 of the most memorable Nick Cave quotes, and put them into this gorgeous linen-bound book. It took fucking ages to do, this one, but it’s a true heart stop-per!´

- Nick Cave

Created and designed by Nick Cave
Compiled by Rodrigo Perez Pereira

Published by Cave Things
Size: 10,2 x 12,5 cm (hardcover)
Number of pages: 136
Printed and bound in Denmark by Narayana Press