And The Ass Saw The Angel Prints


Reproduction of the original manuscript pages for AND THE ASS SAW THE ANGEL, by Nick Cave, 1985-87. This set of 8 pages was originally presented as part of ‘Stranger Than
Kindness: The Nick Cave Exhibition’. Printed on delicate 60gsm bible paper they can be framed for display, or safely archived in their printed presentation folder.  

And the Ass Saw the Angel centres on Euchrid Eucrow, a deaf mute born into a swampy backwoods world of drunks and religious zealots. Nick Cave lost the manuscript for the book twice - once in Berlin and again in London.

‘The story of And The Ass Saw The Angel came to me in fits and starts.

I began writing the story without any structured narrative in mind at all. It slowly unfolded over time. Halfway through writing the book, I realised I wanted to make the central character, Euchrid Eucrow, a mute — a boy that could not speak — so I had to begin the book all over again.

I carried the manuscript around in plastic shopping bags as I travelled from place to place, writing it by hand, or on a typewriter, whenever one was available. On two occasions I lost the entire book and had to begin again. I began to collect mounds of highly detailed descriptive notes for the book which I discovered in a box in the bottom of a cupboard when putting the Stranger Than Kindness exhibition together.

Here is a small selection of typed and handwritten pages with their manic scribbling. I hope you like them.’

- Nick Cave

Number of pages: 8
Size: A4
Print: Offset
Paper: Bible paper, Biblio Print 60gsm
Printed by Narayana