Stranger Than Kindness Book


A journey in images and words into the creative world of Nick Cave

Featuring full color reproductions of original artwork, handwritten lyrics, photographs and collected personal artefacts along with commentary and mediations from Nick Cave, Janine Barrand and Darcey Steinke

`What you see in this book lives in the intricate world constructed around the songs, and which the song inhabits. It is the material that gives birth to and nourishes the official work.

By official work I mean the song or the book or the score that is released into the hands of the fans. The fans become its custodians. They own it. Yet beyond the song there is an enormous amount of peripheral stuff - drawings, maps, lists, doodles, photographs, painting, collages, scribblings and drafts.

These are not to be seen as artwork so much as the wild – eyed and compulsive superstructure that bears the song or the book or script or score along. They are a support system of manic tangential information.

I hope that you find some value in them. To me, these pieces have a different creative energy to the formed work: raw and immediate, but no less compelling.´

- Nick Cave

Published by Canongate in 2020
Size: 28.7 x 22 cm (hardcover)
Number of pages: 275